Tarka Clinic, 7 Paiges Lane, Barnstaple EX31 1EF
Tel: 01271 373346


Osteopaths are experts at treating musculoskeletal complaints. This includes a variety of conditions, much more than just back pain. Osteopathy is a hands on approach, encouraging the body to return to health. Techniques are wide-ranging and beyond purely manipulation, enabling treatment of a great variety of conditions successfully. We believe in improving the body’s flow of blood, using massage & soft-tissue work we liberate tissue & speed up the bodys natural healing process.
Osteopathy is recommended by the NHS (NICE guidelines 2016). The growing of evidence based research means your GP can recommend a course of osteopathy for specific complaints.
Treatments are tailored to each patient and are suitable for babies through to the older person. If you have any queries, do call for a free telephone consultation. All the osteopaths working at the Tarka clinic are registered with the General Osteopathic Council.
Brief list of what we treat:
Back pain
Neck pain
Sports injuries
Arthritic pain
Shoulder pain
Knee, hip & foot pain
Wrist pain & repetitive strains
Pregnancy related pains
Digestive, menstrual, circulatory issues
Sharon Beckwith
Trained as to be an Osteopathy for four years at Surrey Institute of Osteopathy (SIOM) and have level 3 ITEC qualifications in Sports and Holistic Massage. Sharon is fully registered with the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) which is the UK’s regulating body for osteopaths, details of which you can find on their Register under my name, Sharon Beckwith, or registration number 8903. Sharon is also a member of the Institute of Osteopathy, the biggest professional membership organisation for osteopaths in the UK whose purpose is to unite, promote, develop and support the osteopathic profession, to improve public health and patient care.​​
All osteopaths working at the Tarka clinic are registered with the general osteopathic council, please clinic on the logo to check the register

OUR Osteopath
Sharon (left)