Tarka Clinic, 7 Paiges Lane, Barnstaple EX31 1EF
Tel: 01271 373346

Amplifon Hearing

You’ll find our specialists have a wealth of knowledge and experience in guiding you through any hearing problems you may have.
We provide free hearing tests to help assess your hearing problems. Our Hearing Aid Audiologists will talk you through the assessment and provide recommendations that can help you get back to better hearing. There is also no obligation to purchase and you have the opportunity to trial our hearing aids for up to 3 days. If you’re missing parts of conversations and choosing to avoid social outings, why not organise a free hearing check today and start your journey to better hearing today.
Our expert Hearing Aid Audiologists will also be able to help you
through a full aftercare programme and provide assistance with
repairs, battery replacements and testing which are carried out
at the day centre to save you time and hassle.
To find out more about how Amplifon Tarka Day Centre can help you,
come and see us today or call on 0845 609 4159 and book your free
hearing check today.
For further details on Amplifon please click here.